Sunday, August 19, 2018

How Can You Truly Differentiate in Your Contact Center?

You are now competing in a hyper-competitive environment where your customers are less forgiving and have more choice than they've ever had before.
Customers are becoming ever more likely to change who they spend their hard-earned dollars with. And the overwhelming majority are now differentiating on the experience a company provides them with. According to our recent study, 63% of customers globally now say CX is the primary deciding factor in their purchasing decision with a further 22% claiming it has a major impact.

This is simply your new reality.
For this reason, the experience you deliver to your customers is now absolutely critical. One false step and they move on to a competitor. Anything you can do to simplify, modernize and automate the touchpoints on the customer journey can make a difference. This is especially true in the contact center, which provides a significant challenge but also offers a fantastic opportunity to stand out.

The Great Contact Center CX Opportunity

Your contact center is at the very heart of your customer experience.
But due to the ever growing influence of digital, there is some uncertainty about its role and importance – with 41% of business leaders facing challenges in showcasing the benefits of contact centers.
But the reality is that your contact center represents a superb opportunity to differentiate yourself from your competition. So how do you improve contact center CX in a way that impacts key metrics and drives positive business outcomes?
If you don’t have the answer to this question, you’re far from alone. In fact, experts at Forrester claim that “While many firms say that they want to differentiate based on customer experience, few have a focused strategy to accomplish this.”

Differentiate on CX with Voice of the Customer

The key to driving the improvement you seek is your Voice of the Customer. VoC programs can play a critically important role in the contact center, improving operational efficiencies, agent performance, and ultimately driving revenue growth.
However, many organizations face significant challenges in turning this customer data into actionable insights.

Join us on August 30 for a live webinar, “Voice of the Customer: Bringing Value to Your Organization's Contact Center,” featuring guest speaker Forrester Research VP, Principal Analyst Kate Leggett, along with Verint’s Tim Whiting, VP of Marketing.

They will explain the key steps to take to maximize the data sources at your disposal to jump-start your contact center VoC program and provide a number of key tips to help ensure it delivers positive business outcomes. 

“Is Your Digital Transformation Strategy Driving Seamless Customer Journeys?”, a commissioned study by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Contact Solutions,

Art Schoeller, Design Your Contact Center To Be Customer-Centric: Strategic Plan: The Contact Centers For Customer Service Playbook

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