Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Break Down Communication Barriers and Stay Connected

Businesses are facing unprecedented challenges in how they market, sell, and stay connected during the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak. The pandemic has obviously been a big crisis for many businesses. But it’s hardly the first or the last of many crises that impact businesses.
Crisis times call for swift, clear and coordinated communication. Here we are with the advanced IRIS suit of solutions offering you various solutions to stay connected and productive in the difficult months ahead.  These solutions are designed to drive your business communications across many channels to engage prospects and customers, and to communicate effectively with your own internal employees.
IRIS intelligently handles communications across various platforms like WhatsApp, SMS, Email, Web/Mobile Push Notifications, Automation, Chat and much more;
IRIS helps you to reach out to your customer through bulk email marketing campaigns or respond to user-initiated requests, with our cloud-based Email communication service. With IRIS, reliable and cost-effective service, you can create rules to automate the delivery of emails ensuring that you do not miss out on engaging your customers.
Reach out to your customers where they are – specifically via SMS. Our two way SMS Communication service allows you to create SMS with dynamic content such as Deep Links and provide specific rules and event triggers to automate sending/receiving of SMSes to/from your customers.
Social Channels
A rich set of social Media integration services in IRIS enhance the popularity of modern business. So that customers can interact with businesses via their preferred communication channels. Furthermore, Social Media API Integration enables corporate to reach a large amount of audience with just a click.
To keep chat delightful, IRIS deliver a richer communication experience using WhatsApp Business API. By WhatsApp Channel integration your customer can reach you more effortlessly and your service team can conveniently answer them from IRIS communication hub.
Chatbots can be a nice interactive way to guide your visitors to the right Operator Group. IRIS chatbot, round the clock support and take a thousand chats at the same time, as a result giving your agents more time to work on difficult cases.
IRIS Automation applications streamline your customer communications and automate your backend processes. Beyond automating rote communications like statements and notifications, automation can simplify and speed up real-time, ad-hoc customer interactions.
Push Notification
IRIS helps you automatically send web/mobile push notifications and helps to keep your customers informed of latest events, updates and real-time information even if they are not actively using your application.
The outcomes of the successful integrated communication channels will provide a foundation to navigate your organization through the turbulent COVID-19 pandemic environment. The months ahead won’t be easy for any of us, but hopefully IRIS can help you stay connected with your customers and colleagues when it matters more than ever.

1 comment:

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