Saturday, November 11, 2017

FINALIST! Microsoft Australia Partner Awards (MAPA) 2017


Enghouse Interactive is pleased to have been named a finalist in the 2017 Microsoft Australia Partner Awards in the Engage Your Customers category. Enghouse Interactive was honoured among a national field of top Microsoft partners for demonstrating excellence in innovation and implementation of customer solutions based on Microsoft technology.

Dean Hodgson, General Manager, Enghouse Interactive Asia Pacific commented on the nomination:

“We are delighted to be recognised by Microsoft – particularly in this category, since our customers and our customers’ customers are what our business and our solutions are about. We especially want to acknowledge our customer, City of Canada Bay Council, and also our systems integrator for this site, Generation-e.”

Peter Beck, Council’s Manager, Information Systems at City of Canada Bay, reflected on the implementation:

“In a Council the size of City of Canada Bay, with nearly 500 staff across multiple sites, Skype has been a great benefit, and definitely improved staff interaction and morale. It’s made communication between departments more personable.”

“The solution has been incredibly easy to use, and this has given the whole team confidence from the start,” added Serbo Matic, Customer Services Coordinator for City of Canada Bay.

The Microsoft Australia Partner Awards (MAPA) program has recently been revamped, reducing the award categories from 30 down to five. The awards recognise Microsoft Partners that have developed and delivered exceptional Microsoft-based solutions during the previous 12 months.

“We are honored to recognise Enghouse Interactive Pty Ltd as a Microsoft Australia Partner Award Finalist,” said Mark Leigh, Microsoft Australia, One Commercial Partner Director. Enghouse Interactive is a prime example of the expertise and innovation we see in our Microsoft partner community to deliver transformative solutions.”

Enghouse Interactive solutions help organisations to create the optimum journey for their customers, at the same time improving the interaction for their own staff while enabling them to do business better. We are dedicated to becoming a valued vendor with our customers – empowering them in turn to transform the experience they offer their own customers.

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